Last confirmation uploading date to MMS has been postponed according to the press statement made by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Trade. The text of the statement is below.
The date of registration for the Service Providers with the Commercial Electronic Message Management System (MMS) and uploading their current approvals has been postponed.
As it is known, within the scope of the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages, the deadline for service providers to register with the MMS and transfer their commercial electronic message confirmations was set as December 1, 2020. However, the negative effects of the new type of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which affects the whole world, on daily life continue and cause some disruptions in business processes.
In this context, requests from enterprises and non-governmental organizations, whose service providers are in different sectors, to postpone the dates regarding the MMS have been submitted to our Ministry. Considering these demands, our Ministry has postponed the registration and confirmation date of service providers regarding the MMS in order not to aggrieve our businesses.
According to this;
For service providers with more than 150 thousand commercial electronic message confirmations, the deadline for uploading confirmations is December 31, 2020, and the deadline for these confirmations to be checked by the interested persons is February 15, 2021,
For service providers with 150 thousand or less commercial electronic message confirmations, the deadline for uploading confirmations is May 31, 2021, and the deadline for these confirmations to be checked by the interested persons has been postponed to July 15, 2021.
It is respectfully announced to the public.