SOFT CRM EASY Package and Its Scope
Company Management
- Company Card Definitions
- Company cards control and block fields
- Adding scanned documents to company cards
- Categorizing companies according to service types
- Company Parameters
- Company Automatic Position Finding and Arranging
- Group Company Management
- Contact Person Management
Representative Management
- Representative Definitions
- Generating New Representatives
- Premium Entry on Representative Basis
- Assigning a representative to a company
Meeting Management
- Meeting Data Management
Chronological Tracking
- CRM Activities Chronological Tracking
Appointment and Visit Management
- Appointment Data
- Appointment Participant Confirmation System
- Appointment Tracking Through Calendar
- Adding tendered offers to system and tracking
- Exchange and Outlook Integration
Excel Integration
- Getting SOFT Web CRM Data in Excel Format
- Transferring Customer Data to the System in Excel Format
- Customizing Reports
- Management of Fields to Print Reports